Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dam you Writing!

As an aspiring writer (I say aspiring because I don’t believe I am one until I can actually have it as my full-time job) I found the most difficult thing to come to terms with is the lack of instant gratification. I have realized I can write something that I am truly proud of and think the whole world should love only to realize that a lot of people may just skip right past. It can be very defeating. Then I go through all the motions of “who is crazy enough to actually put themselves through all of this?”. Then I am tempted to give up and move on to something that wasn’t such a bruise to my ego.  Then I explore other options and every time I try to move on from my break up with writing I get roped back in with that temptation of creating something truly amazing and it starts all over.
This time I am choosing to accept that I am a writing junkie and there is no point in trying to fight it. Hi my name is Ariana and I am a writeaholic.. I am going to hate it and love it all at the same time. There is going to be a lot of ups and downs and I can choose to power through and go through the emotions or I can keep going to that toddler state of mind and throw a tantrum and give up. Yes I am 25 and I am guilty of being an over emotional drama queen…
Now today I am obviously having a good day with a lot of motivation. I can’t say that I will feel the same tomorrow but at least I have this feeling today so I can possibly come up with some pretty great pieces or at the very least ideas. Or maybe I will write some pretty crappy stuff and I will get to learn from them.

Wow I love having positive days!

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