Friday, February 12, 2016

A short bit on Friendship

                Good morning Bloggers!
                The last post I did on friendship really came from the heart because I truly believe friendship to be very important.  I have been blessed with a friend that keeps me from drowning and always cheers me on. She also gives me a big steaming cup of reality when I need it. We have a track record of coming together and then drifting apart. It doesn’t matter how far we drift we always sync back up.
                There is a lot of things I have learned from being blessed with such an amazing friend. The first thing is that friendship takes time and self. That means when a friend texts me I need to make it a priority to respond. Or if someone calls me I need to make it a point to either answer or call them back. This is probably the thing I struggle with the most. It is not that I don’t want to talk to someone it is I look at it and decide to respond later and then end up forgetting. I don’t make it a priority. That is how I end up losing a friend.
                Another thing that I have been taught is that it is not always about me. I need to put my selfish hat away and listen. Friendships are give and take. Sometimes you need to get your shoulder wet and sometimes you need to ask for one. Sometimes people we care about go through something really difficult that can make you uncomfortable because you can’t relate and don’t know what to say.
                When I terminated my rights to my son I was nineteen. Most of my friends were nineteen. Most people that age cannot relate to that. I didn’t have many people to talk to because nobody knew what to say. I was a mess and didn’t want to go on. There was one person who did exactly what a friend should do in that situation. They said nothing….. They held me and let me fall to pieces for as long as I needed with no judgement and didn’t try to say the things that made it worse (“At least you know where he is” or “at least you can still see him”). When I was ready to stop breaking they asked what he could do to help. Sometimes silence is the best way to help somebody.

                This may seem like a short post but I think the message is pretty clear and doesn’t need to be dissected any more. Don’t be selfish if you care about your friendships. Learn to give and take. And one big thing that I need to work on…. Answer my damn phone.

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